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UCS Afternoon Update

Good morning investors. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Wow! This summer seems to be flying by. There is so much making news that it's sometimes hard to focus on what needs to be focused on. Well, strong day so far, with technology issues such as CSCO, INTC, ORCL dominating the most Actives, but the most spectacular of all the Actives is the company Human Genome Sciences, Inc: HGSI ; the stock is up 224% on good news of its Lupus drug and of a possible partnership with large deep-pocketed commercial company.

Ah, the joys of technology- that's the ticket. Of course, you can get many of the best, quality technology companies in the ProShares Technology Fund which might I say is 6 points above its 30 day moving average of $30 per share. It's made a major breakout. I am still researching three technology ETF funds that I believe will do well and will hopefully have them posted soon.

7/20/2009 1:20 PM


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