I am reading lots of buzz all over the Internet on the rising prices in oil and natural gas assets and I am like here we go again. Yes, oil and gas stock are good investments but we are not running out of oil nor natural gas anytime soon. However, many investors are snapping up oil and gas ETFs like delicious hot pancakes. For example, the recent surge in investor demand for the US Natural Gas Fund , whose net assets has swelled 10 fold as investors snap up the shares, has almost caused the fund to temporarily shut down twice due to lack of shares to sell. There is no reason to load up on oil and natural gas stocks or ETF gas funds yet. Read the recent short term energy report from the Energy Information Administration - Official Energy Statistics from the US Government . The US Gov't is projecting lower demand and lower prices- a possible supply glut . Just in case you still believe that oil and gas stocks are the way to go, here are three natural gas ETFs that you may find inter...
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