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Showing posts from November 1, 2009

Alternative Markets are Heating Up

By Rick Walter You may still have time to adjust or rebalance your investments before the end of the year. Just do it or call us and I can help you do it now. I just updated our semiconductor portfolio and per previous blog on the industry, it's a tough market out there. Today, Mario Coumo of New York is filing anti-trust charges against Intel. Intel is being charged with taking or paying "kickbacks" under the guise of a rebate scheme. Wow! That's hot news. What does this means for the industry as a whole? Not much. Lol. It's tough to make money in the semiconductor markets, however, I am still positively hopeful my recently posted diversified semiconductor portfolio will make some money. If you are interested in the semiconductor markets subscribe to his portfolio. Recently though, I've been zeroing in on the Alternative Energy and the Renewable Markets because there have been lots of activity going on here. Who said the recession had killed the venture ...