By Rick Walter
Review our list of top portfolios that you can use for retirement, saving, or trading. Each listed portfolio is optimized for maximum performance, updated daily, and balanced to fit a set asset allocation model. You can purchase a portfolio through UCS Investment Co., which comes with our professional money manager service, through ShareBuilder for $4 per position, or Zecco and receive 10 free stock trades per month. Each portfolio can be started with as low as $1,000 per portfolio and no maximums.
Review our list of top portfolios that you can use for retirement, saving, or trading. Each listed portfolio is optimized for maximum performance, updated daily, and balanced to fit a set asset allocation model. You can purchase a portfolio through UCS Investment Co., which comes with our professional money manager service, through ShareBuilder for $4 per position, or Zecco and receive 10 free stock trades per month. Each portfolio can be started with as low as $1,000 per portfolio and no maximums.