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The Markets Unchained!

This weekend, I was watching old hero flicks from my 50 movie pack- Warriors DVD collection which I recently bought from Best Buy for $19.99; my 50 movie pack includes classic movies such as Hercules Unchained, The Giant of Marathon, Fury of Achilles and more. I was so excited; I rushed home and started watching some of the movies immediately. I was in heaven; I grew up watching some of these old flicks where women were maidens, men were heroes and monsters evil men and women died justly deserved deaths. I particularly enjoyed one movie called Hercules Unchained- "Hercules exercises poor judgment when he quenches his thirst from an enchanted spring en route to a diplomatic mission in Thebes. He promptly loses his memory and gets sidetracked in the Pleasure Gardens of Queen Omphale. Ulysses, his young companion, desperately tries to help him regain his memory, but in the meantime, the situation in Thebes is reaching a boiling point", as two Kings (brothers) prepare to battle each other for power. To make matters worse Hercules young wife faces imminent danger as she is held hostage by a mad Thebian King. I was glued to the set until the end of the movie.

Fast forward to 2008, Wall Street leaders and bankers have exercised poor judgment and quenched their thirst on the waters of risky mortgages and questionable derivatives. They promptly lose their ability to avoid risk and uncertainty and gets side-tracked in the pleasure gardens of big yachts, mansions, foreign villas, and pleasure oasis’s of Abu Dubai. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke desperately tries to help Wall Street and the banks regain sound balance sheets, but in the meantime, the situation in the markets are reaching a boiling point. To make matters worse democracy faces imminent danger as she is held hostage by two political parties hell-bent on ultimate power at all cost. Lol!
Do you have
liability and disability coverage on your business or person. You are going to need it in this market. I've listed three excellent financial advisors that you can speak to, if you need professional advice on this matter... Continued.


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